Featured on CMB News
It was an honor featured on CMB News for my recent recital in Korea. I really appreciate the support and compliments. Here is the link to the report:
Blog Post about my Recent Recital
It was very kind of Yeon Yee Song to write a blog post about how my recent recital in Korea emotionally resonated with her and inspired her to explore more of my music. Thank you so much for writing about me and your experience at my recital! Here is the link to the post:
Articles in the Korea Times and
Korea Daily
It was wonderful to be featured in an article in the Korea Times and an article in the Korea Daily. Thank you so much for writing about me and my recital! Here are the links to the articles:
Sept. 21, 2018 at 7:30pm at the
Zipper Music Hall
I enjoyed singing the opera aria "The Flower Song" from Carmen as well as songs by Italian composers such as Bellini, Puccini, and Tosti. I was accompanied on the piano by the talented Kyungmi Kim. Click here to find out more about my Recital.
19th Annual Well Mission Fundraising Music Concert
August 6, 2018 at 7:30pm at the
Walt Disney Concert Hall
I had the honor of being a soloist at this wonderful fundraising event. Click here for videos and photos from this event.
Metropolitan Opera Western Regional Audition Winner
I am featured on the USC Polish Music Center page for winning first prize in the Metropolitan Opera Western Regional Auditions. Click here to read more about it.